November 2023
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A characteristic of humanity is to harbour dreams and to share them with others to form societies. Our own European dream was that we had reached such a high level of civilisation that we could live at peace with each other and with the rest of the world. That at least is what we believed for the past 70 years or so. Today, we see that this dream was not achieved. So the challenge we face is how to restore trust between the peoples of the world. It seems to me that the great nations, or rather: the nations which consider themselves as the greatest, have a problem with the very idea of their own greatness and are not ideally placed to make a useful contribution to this task of reconstruction. Also, I think the dialogue should take place well outside the political sphere. That is why the Academia Balkanica has a very special international role to play, especially at the present time of strife and tension. Only a shared culture can save us.
Le propre de l'humanité est d'être habitée par des rêves, puis de les partager avec les autres pour former des sociétés. Notre rêve européen était de parvenir à un si haut degré de civilisation que nos nations puissent vivre en paix les unes avec les autres ainsi qu'avec le reste du monde. Du moins, c'est ce que nous avons espéré depuis environ 70 ans. Aujourd'hui, nous voyons bien que ce n'est pas gagné. Le problème qui se pose à nous est le suivant : comment reconstruire la confiance entre les peuples ? Il me semble que les grandes nations, disons plutôt celles qui se croient grandes, ont des problèmes avec leur propre grandeur. Elles sont donc mal placées pour traiter cette question. Il vaudrait mieux commencer par rassembler des nations moins persuadées de leur prépondérance dans l'Histoire pour parvenir à un dialogue utile. Mieux vaut aussi mener ce débat en-dehors de la sphère politique. Voilà pourquoi l'Académie Européenne des Balkans a un rôle international tout à fait important à jouer. Seule une culture commune peut nous sauver. Jean-Patrick Connerade
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GENERAL ELECTORAL ASSEMBLY OF ACADEMIA BALKANICA EUROPEANA - UNITED BALKANS IN UNITED EUROPE12/14/2022 Academia Balkanica Europeana, which includes distinguished artists and scientific research experts from ten countries in the Balkans, and which was established in Bucharest in October 2017, held its General Election Assembly on December 9, in Skopje.
The General Assembly was opened by the Honorary President of ABE and President of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, Jean-Patrick Connerade from The Imperial College in London, who called on the European Union to find a modality for the immediate inclusion of the countries of the Western Balkans as its equal members, since the Balkans are an integral part of European civilization. In the presence of the President of the "Jean Monet Foundation" from Paris, Henri Malosse, and the President of ABE Jordan Plevnes, an agreement was reached to organize a conference at the highest level, under the title "United Balkans in a United Europe", which will be attended by about 40 exceptional personalities from the scientific and intellectual life of Europe and the Balkans, and with the presence of the highest representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament. The conference will be held in two parts, the first in Macedonia in May 2023, and the second in October in France, at the "House of Jean Monet - Father of Europe", which is located in the small town of Houjarray near Paris. An additional resolution will be drafted in France and sent to the most important institutions in Europe and the United States. At the event in Skopje, three in memoriam honors were given to the deceased academics, Isidora Zhabeljan, a composer from Serbia, Vangelis, an international name of Greek music, and Ion Caramitru, the first President of ABE, a theater legend from Romania. It was in his honor that ABE established a theater award that will bear his name and that will be awarded once a year, to personalities from the theatrical life of Southeast Europe. On this occasion, the SEE Actor 2022 award from the Festival of Southeast Europe in Paris, Berlin and Washington were awarded to Bajrush Myaku, as well as the Europa Prima 2022 award from the same festival to the famous fashion designer and founder of the International Institute of Fashion in Skopje, Mr. Izet Curi. Academia Balkanica Europeana nominated Aco Ristov, Mayor of Radovish, for the award SEE Personality 2023, which is traditionally awarded to prominent figures from the social and economic life of the region, from June 1 to 6, 2023 at the Festival of Southeast Europe in Paris, Berlin and Washington. The General Secretary of ABE, Aleksandar Prokopiev announced the names of the newly elected academicians of ABE in the field of art and scientific research. The following members have been elected in the field of science: 1. Prof. dr. Miodrag Stojković (Serbia) 2. Prof. Majlinda Lako, PhD (Albania) 3. prof. dr. Tarik Kupusović (BIH) 4. prof. dr. Ismet Gavrankapetanović (BIH) 5. Professor Jasna Koteska (MKD) 6. Dr. Radosvet Gornev (BUL) 7. Assoc. Krasen Stanchev (BUL) 8. Miglena Dikova-Milanova (BUL) 9. Ljubomir Kekenovski (MKD) In the field of art and journalism, the following were selected: 1. Ylljet Aliçka (Albania) 2. Prof. Dr. Haqif Mulliqi (Kosovo) 3. Milazim Krasniqi (Kosovo) 4. Vladimir Levchev (BUL) 5. Ivaylo Dichev (BUL) 6. Zharko Basheski (MKD) 7. Dimitar Malidanov (MKD) 8. Rade Siljan (MKD) 9. Lidija Dimkovska (MKD) 10. Ermis Lafazanovski (MKD) Philip Sashko, Balkanologist, Professor Emeritus at the University of Milwaukee, USA and Henri Malosse, President of the "Jean Monet Foundation" from Paris, were elected as honorary members of the academy. The promotion of the new academics will be carried out during the "United Balkans in United Europe" conference in May 2023 in Skopje. |