November 2023
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Type: Theathre Performance Country: N. Macedonia City: Skopje, Resen Organization: UNESCO, Major Programme IV – Culture / Academia Balkanica Europeana Eligibility: Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, N. Macedonia Entry Fee: No Project description: Foundation of Balkans arts youth mobility network, through the initial project - a production of a theatre play/performance, which will be premiered at the International Theatre Festival Actor of Europe 2023. The preparation of the performance will be carried through a series working sessions for young artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and N. Macedonia (one actor and one artist: director, set designer, costume designer, dramatist, musician, from each country). The participants will be guided and supervised by the proven professionals from the field of arts and culture, lecturers/trainers for workshops. The whole project will be carried out under the mentorship of the prominent theatre authors Jordan Plevnes and Dejan Projkovski. Project’s target group are young artists from the WB Region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and N. Macedonia. Participants in this project are divided into these categories: 1. Five (5) young professional actors (22-30), participants in the working sessions for production of a theatre performance, 1 from each of WB’s countries; 2. Five (5) young professional authors (22-30) (dramatist, director, musician, costume designer, set designer), participants in the working sessions, one from each of the countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and N. Macedonia); The participants will gain unique opportunity for improvement of their professional and intercultural competencies, as well as enhancing their network and opening possibilities for participation in creative projects in future. After the initial preparation of the project and selection of the participants and lecturers/trainers, a total of four seven days working sessions for the purpose of creation and preparation of the theatre play will be organized, three in Skopje, in the period from March to June 2023, and the forth in July (6th-10th) 2023, in Resen, at the International Theatre Festival “Actor of Europe”. An event - Forum will be organized, based on the title/subject “Balkans arts youth mobility network”, (July 2023, at the ITF Actor of Europe) which will feature these young artists, their thoughts and opinions, during their artistic endeavor in this project. The other participants on the Forum will be guests and participants from the ITF Actor of Europe. In the same time, this will mark the project as a base for the potential creation of “Balkan Mobility Arts Centre”. The theatre performance will be premiered at The International Theatre Festival – Actor of Europe 2023 in Prespa region, N. Macedonia. (11 July 2023). Participants will attend the whole festival in Prespa (6-11 July 2023). The final results will be presented through digital media in all WB countries. As a part of sustainability of the project, we and our partners will put maximum efforts results to be presented at least in one city from each country of the project: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. Cultural visit trip will be organized for the participants from Resen to Ohrid (UNESCO city). For all categories of the target groups, gender equality will be taken under consideration, and candidates with fewer opportunities will have an advantage in the selection. The organizer covers all the costs for travel and accommodation of the participants. The participants must be able to adjust their schedule to be able to travel and attend the sessions according to the dynamics of the project. How to apply: Please apply on the following email address: [email protected] using the reference <BAYMN APPLICATION > in the email title, with:
Expiration date: Friday, February 20, 2023 Website:
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OPEN CALL1/16/2023 Academia Balkanica Europeana announces a call for papers for the international scientific conference (June 7-9, 2023) with the title: CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN MACEDONIAN MUSICAL AND STAGE CREATION Macedonian musical and stage creativity represents one of the pillars of Macedonian musical creativity, and accordingly, one of the main drivers of musical life in our country. Laying the foundations in the post-war period, which is also characterized by the establishment of modern musical life, the musical-scenic creativity, from then until today, records a series of significant outbursts, through which Macedonian composers present their compositional maturity and creative imagination. Although the experience of domestic composers in the creation of vocal-instrumental works, with the participation of an orchestra as an equal supporting force with vocal elements, is relatively modest, however, it can be concluded that it deviated from the creative desire to contribute in this field to the domestic musical literature . Thanks to that urge, today, Macedonian musical literature contains several opera and ballet works, as well as oratorios, signed by prominent Macedonian composers, which incorporate part of their characteristic and recognizable compositional expression. This creative corpus represents a solid base for research and analysis, from several scientific, historical and interdisciplinary aspects. That is why the topic of the conference is dedicated to Macedonian musical and stage creativity, with an emphasis on contemporary trends. Papers at this international conference can be dedicated to one of the following areas: - Macedonian operas in the 21st century - Macedonian ballets in the 21st century - Macedonian artists in the Macedonian music-stage creation - The chamber works of contemporary composers - Vocal-instrumental works in the 21st century - The aesthetics of musical-scenic works - Macedonian contemporary creativity on the world stage Individual presentations of up to 15 minutes are planned; Panel discussions with multiple presenters, up to 10 minutes for each presenter. Applications can be submitted to the email address [email protected] until February 15, 2023, with an abstract (up to 200 words) and a short biography of the participant (up to 150 words). Notification of accepted papers is until March 10, 2023. The conference will be held in the Cinematheque of RSM. With respect, Organizing Committee of the International Conference Академија Балканика Еуропеана објавува повик за трудови за меѓународната научна конференција (7-9 јуни 2023 година) со наслов:
СОВРЕМЕНИТЕ ТЕКОВИ ВО МАКЕДОНСКОТО МУЗИЧКО-СЦЕНСКО ТВОРЕШТВО Македонското музичко-сценско творештво претставува еден од стожерите на македонското музичко творештво, а согласно тоа, и еден од главните двигатели на музичкиот живот во нашата држава. Поставувајќи ги основите во поствоениот период, кој се карактеризира и со воспоставување на современиот музички живот, музичкото-сценско творештво, оттогаш, па до денес, бележи низа значајни изблици, преку кои македонските композитори ја презентираат својата композиторска зрелост и творечка имагинација. Иако искуството на домашните композитори во создавањето на вокално-инструментални дела, со учество на оркестар како една рамноправна носечка сила со вокалните елементи е релативно скромно, сепак, може да се заклучи дека тоа отстапувало пред творечката желба за придонесување на ова поле во домашната музичка литература. Благодарение на тој порив, денес, македонската музичка литература содржи повеќе оперски и балетски дела, како и ораториуми, потпишани од истакнати македонски композитори, кои вградуваат дел од својот карактеристичен и препознатлив композиторски израз. Овој творечки корпус, претставува солидна база за истражување и анализирање, од повеќе научни, историски и интердисциплинарни аспекти. Токму затоа, темата на конференцијата е посветена на македонско музичко-сценско творештво, со акцент на современите текови. Трудовите на оваа меѓународна конференција, можат да бидат посветени на една од следниве области: - Македонските опери во 21 век - Македонските балети во 21 век - Македонските уметници во македонското музичко-сценско творештво - Камерното творештво на современите композитори - Вокално-инструменталните дела во 21 век - Естетиката на музичко-сценските дела - Македонското современо творештво на сцените во светот Предвидени се поединечни презентации до 15 минути; Панел дискусии со повеќе излагачи, до 10 минути за секој излагач. Пријавите може да се достават на email адреса [email protected] до 15 февруари 2023 година, со апстракт (најмногу до 200 збора) и кратка биографија на учесникот (најмногу до 150 збора). Известувањето за прифатените трудови е до 10 март 2023 година. Конференцијата ќе се одржи во Кинотека на РСМ. Со почит, Организационен одбор на Меѓународната конференција |